Hello, there. 


Welcome to the official site for all the information fit to print concerning


Robert Geretschläger


(Please note that this page is constantly being edited and changed around. The information contained herein is probably correct, but if something seems less than perfect to you, the critical reader, I beg your forgiveness. I also request you to excuse the presence of any and all omisons, spellling mistykes, unwords and things of this ilk.)


"Who is this person?“ you may well ask. Allow me to list some defining bygone moments. 


born Toronto, Canada, Wednesday, November 13th, 1957

visitied various school in Canada and Austria; graduated from the Bundesgymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium Bruck/Mur, Austria in June 1975

studied mathematics at Karl-Franzens University, Graz and descriptive geometry at the University of Technology, Graz

graduated as Mag.rer.nat. (teaching degree in mathematics and descriptive geometry) 1980; Theses titled "Asymptotisches Verhalten von Kontraktionshalbgruppen" and "Normalenflächen von Quadriken laengs ebener Schnitte"

employed as apprentice teacher at Bundesrealgymnasium Keplerstrasse in Graz 1981-82, simultaneously as part-time teacher at Bundesgymnasium und BORG Dreihackengasse, Graz

first full-time teaching position 1982-84 at HTL (technical high school) Weiz

since 1984, teaching full-time at BRG Keplerstrasse in Graz

graduated as Dr.phil. in mathematics 1985; title of dissertation: "Fréchet- und Gateaux-differenzierbarkeit Nicht-linearer Kontraktionshalbgruppen und ihrer Infinitesimalen Generatoren"

married to Zita Hauptmann, May 13th, 1989

daughter Lisa born August 22nd, 1990 (more at http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4823100/?ref_=rvi_nm and http://www.vimeo.com/LZG and https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Zoe_Geretschläger)

conferred title “Oberstudienrat” 2014

Retired from active teaching Dec. 1st, 2022




In case you are so inclined, you can also check out my Wikipedia page (currently only available in German) at https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Geretschl%C3%A4ger




In the course of an academic life-time, a number of things get written, and some even get published. If you make the effort to dig up any of these publications and actually read them, I would love to hear from you.


Books and Articles in Proceedings

Articles in Journals

Other Published Work


   Research Interests


My main scientific interests are in the areas Mathematical Aspects of Paper Folding, Polyhedra and Mathematical Competitions and Problem Mathematics (inequalities, geometry,...) As if you couldn't tell by looking at the list of publications ...

To further these interests, I am a member of the following organisations:


Mathematical Association of America (MAA) (http://www.maa.org)

Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) (https://cms.math.ca/)

Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft (OeMG) (http://www.oemg.ac.at)

World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions (WFNMC) (http://www.wfnmc.org/)

Origami USA (http://www.origami-usa.org) (http://origamiusa.org/thefold)

British Origami Society (https://www.britishorigami.info/)


A few words with respect to some of my professional activities: 


ÖMO - Österreichische Mathematikolympiade and

IMO - International Mathematical Olympiad


I have been working actively for the Austrian Mathematical Olympiad for well over 30 years. From the start and until the 2021/22 school year, I prepared students for various levels of competition at BRG Kepler. For most of this time, I have also been working with students at the national level, teaching at the annual preparatory seminar of the national olympiad (3. round), for many years mostly on inequalities (download my text on the theory of inequalities (in german) here). In 2016, an association was founded to help with the organisation of the Austrian Olympiad, and I am currently the secretary of this organisation.

For six years (2000: Taejon, South Korea, 2001: Washington, USA, 2002: Glasgow, UK, 2003; Tokyo, Japan, 2004: Athens, Greece, 2005: Merida, Mexico) I was deputy leader of the Austrian team at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). In 2006 (Ljubljana, Slovenia) I was one of five members of the problem selection committee. Since then (2007: Hanoi, Vietnam, 2008: Madrid, Spain, 2009: Bremen, Germany, 2010: Astana, Kazakhstan, 2011: Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012: Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2013: Santa Marta, Colombia, 2014: Cape Town, South Africa, 2015: Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2016: Hong Kong, 2017: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 2018: Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 2019: Bath, UK; 2020: St. Petersburg, Russia/Exam Center Vienna), I have been participating as Austrian team leader.


 The IMO problems of the last few years (with solutions in German) are here:

 IMO 2002 download me (click here)


 IMO 2003 download me (click here)


 IMO 2004 download me (click here)


 IMO 2005 download me (click here)


 IMO 2006 download me (click here)


 IMO 2007 download me (click here)


 IMO 2008 download me (click here)


 IMO 2009 download me (click here)


 IMO 2010 download me (click here)


 IMO 2011 download me (click here)


 IMO 2012 download me (click here)


 IMO 2013 download me (click here)


 IMO 2014 download me (click here)


 IMO 2015 download me (click here)


 IMO 2016 download me (click here)


 IMO 2017 download me (click here)


 IMO 2018 download me (click here)


 IMO 2019 download me (click here)


 IMO 2020 download me (click here)


 IMO 2021 download me (click here)


 IMO 2022 download me (click here)

Information about the Austrian Mathematical Olympiad is available at http://www.oemo.at.

Information about the International Mathematical Olympiad is available at https://www.imo-official.org/

In 2020, I was also leader of the Austrian tem at the inaugural Cyberspace Mathematical Competition. Information about the CMC is available at https://artofproblemsolving.com/contests/cmc


Känguru der Mathematik

Mathematical Kangaroo

Kangourou sans Frontières

Beschreibung: Beschreibung: Beschreibung: Beschreibung: Beschreibung: C:\Users\Robert\Documents\homepage\kang_logo.gif


Since 1998 I have been the Austrian representative in the international committee of the "Kangourou des Mathematiques". I am also president of the Austrian Kangaroo Society (Känguru der Mathematik - Österreich). From 2004 to 2008, I was a board member of the international organisation "Kangourou Sans Frontières" (KSF), and I was elected to the board again in October 2011. Since the organisation has adopted new statutes on May 1st, 2018, I am now treasurer of this organisation. Together with Monika Noack and Alexander Unger (Germany) and Hansjürg Stocker and Meike Akveld (Switzerland) I have helped produce five collections of Kangaroo problems that were published by Verlag Hanser, as well as one published by Lemberger Verlag.

In October 2007 I was head of the organising committee for the international meeting of KSF in Graz. Some documents pertaining to this meeting can be downloaded here.

Information about this competition is available at    http://www.kaenguru.at    and    http://www.aksf.org.


World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions (WFNMC)


I have been taking part regularly in the meetings of the WFNMC (http://www.wfnmc.org/) since ICME-7 in Québec, Canada in 1992. I was vice-president of this organisation from 2008, Senior Vice-President from 2018 and was elected as President in July 2022. I was in charge of organising the 8th meeting of the WFNMC, which took place in Graz and Semriach (Austria) from July 18th to 24th, 2018. The next meeting of the WFNMC is planned for ICME 2024 in Sydney, Australia and the next congress will take place in Singapore in 2026.


Various other Competition-Related Activities


Beside my work on these competitions, I also help to organize various other mathematical competitions. For instance, for the last 25 years, I have been president of the local organizing committee of the "International Tournament of the Towns" (http://www.turgor.ru/) for Graz. I am also responsible for the Mediterranean Mathematics Competition in Austria.


International Meetings


In the course of my work, I have also taken part in a number of international meetings. Click here for the complete list. I presented a paper at meetings marked with *, and several of these papers are available for download.


Invited Talks/Positions


I was invited speaker twice at the mathematical-didactical seminars at the Palacky University in Olomouc (Czech Republic). On Nov. 26th, 1996 I spoke on the subject "Work with Gifted Students in Austria - Pflege von Mathematiktalenten in Österreich" (together with Gottfried Perz), and on Sep. 22nd, 1998 I spoke on the subject "3rd Congress of WFNMC, China, July 22-27, 1998".

On invitation of the Australian Mathematics Trust I was a guest member of the committee for the Australian Mathematics Competition and the Australian Mathematics Challenge in March 1999. 

I was Howard Lyons Invited Speaker at the CMC annual seminar for high school students at the University of Waterloo (Canada) in June 2003.

On invitation of PIMS (Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences) I was a speaker at the Math Fair workshop at BIRS (Banff International Research Station) in April 2005. (you can download the powerpoint presentation of my talk here)

In June and July of 2006, I was one of five members of the Problem Selection Committee for the 47th IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad) in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

In November 2010 I held an invited talk on origami geometry at the Didaktikkolloquium at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena, Germany.

In September 2012 I held an invited talk on origami geometry at the “23. Schweizerischer Tag über Mathematik und Unterricht” in Zürich, Switzerland. (Information on this day, including the materials relevant to my talk, can be found at http://www.math.ch/TMU2012/ .)

I was again guest member of the committee for the Australian Mathematics Competition and the Australian Mathematics Challenge on invitation of the Australian Mathematics Trust in March 2013.



Didactics Activities


Textbook Project "Elemente der Mathematik"


From 2002 to 2007 I was involved in the creation of a high school mathematics text book series titled "Elemente der Mathematik", published by E. Dorner (Vienna). This is the Austrian edition of the German series of the same name (published by Schroedel Verlag). Approximately one third of the text was written specially for the Austrian version, with the remaining parts adapted from the German versions to fit the Austrian curriculum. The complete series was available for use in the classroom from 2007, although the books are no longer current due to changes in the Austrian examination system.


ÖMG - Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft


In the Austrian Mathematical Society (Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft), I was head of the "teachers' division" for several years. In this context, meetings were arranged for students and teachers in Graz and Innsbruck with the goal of making the variety of mathematical research better known to a wide audience. Due to a lack of interest in the teaching community, the teachers' division was closed after a few years of activity.

I am currently a member of the didactics commission of the ÖMG, a group that meets several times a year to discuss matters relating to mathematics teaching in Austria.

Further information about the ÖMG is available at http://www.oemg.ac.at


Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mathematik an AHS - Steiermark/Landesfachkoordinator


After working for years as one of three members of the "team" leading the working group (ARGE) for mathematics in high schools (AHS) in Steiermark (Styria), I was invited to accept a role as a “Landesfachkoordinator”, which includes some of the responsibilities formerly connected with the ARGE. In this conext, I was also a member of both a national and a regional working group that developed material on "Standards in mathematics at secondary level II" for eight years, in preparation for current projects on standards in mathematics and the centralised final examinations in mathematics at AHS (Allgemeinbildende höhere Schulen – general arts and sciences schools).

Until the end of the 2021/22 school year, I was one of two "Landesfachkoordinatoren für Mathematik" for AHS in Styria, responsible for math competitions and matters pertaining to working with mathematically gifted students.


Teacher Training at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz


Since 1997 I have been involved in teacher training at the KF-University in Graz. I have taught courses on Mathematical Competitions (with Erich Windischbacher) and preparatory courses for practise teaching (with Richard Perko). After changes in the university curriculum, I taught alternating summer semester courses in descriptive geometry and working with gifted students for several years. (Materials for these courses and subsequent ones can be found here.) This continued with more courses for working with gifted students in winter semesters and various geometry courses in the summer semesters (together with Bernd Thaller and with Günter Lettl and Michaela Kraker).

In the current academic year, I am again teaching a course on Solid Geometry.




When the international student assessment study PISA was in its inaugural phase, there was a national "mathematics expert group" in Austria, of which I was a member. I participated in many PISA-related activities, including problem development, translation and framework development. I was no longer involved in the project from the time of its actual implementation in the schools, however.


Curriculum Development


I was also a member of the 6-member group originally responsible for the current mathematics curriculum for grades 9-12 (5.-8. Klasse, AHS). Yes, it is partly my fault, although this is mitigated by the fact that the curriculum has now been replaced by a slightly rearranged version which was produced without my participation.


Mathematik Macht Freu(n)de


In the academic years from 2019/20 to 2021/22, I worked actively on producing teaching materials for the project “Mathematik Macht Freu(n)de” at the University of Vienna. The material produced by this project can be accessed at https://mathematikmachtfreunde.univie.ac.at/


Talk to me


If you feel an urge to get in touch with me after reading all this, you can send me an e-mail at




If you really must, this will get you to a trivia page.



This page was last revised on October 30th, 2022.